Everyone deserves the highest-quality care for their joint problems.
1/3At any one time, more than 1/3 of the U.S. population reports having joint pain. It is our core philosophy that anyone affected by joint pain, arthritis, or other musculoskeletal pathologies deserves the best treatment available. The team members at MyNewJoints.com will provide clinicians with information about the most up to date and effective treatment options for their patients. An informed clinician is an effective clinician.We will also provide patients with information on recent advances in rehabilitation and joint care. We believe that every patient has the right to know and understand their treatment options. An informed patient will be a satisfied patient. If your healthcare provider is not taking advantage of the recent evidence and treatment options, we encourage you to be your own advocate and seek care from someone who will.
Communicate, Collaborate and Disseminate.
17 It can take up to 17 years for research findings to lead to definitive change in clinical practice. This lag in adopting and implementing evidence-based care is not acceptable. One of the primary missions at MyNewJoints is to share information in real-time. Blog posts, e-books with the latest evidence-based treatment guidelines and links to recent articles of interest will help reduce the time between bench and bedside.Empower the Individual
Patients, we want to empower you to be your own best advocate. We have created a blog specifically for patient education. While it is not our intention to provide individual medical advice, it is our mission to provide you with the most up-to-date information about joint disorders in a manner that is most beneficial to you. No confusing medical jargon. No specialized terminology. No information without the evidence to back it up. We encourage you to take advantage of this information and talk to your healthcare provider to make sure you are receiving the optimal care that you deserve.
Pain in any Joint 30%
Pain in the knee joint 18%
Pain in the shoulder 9%
Pain in the hip joint 7%
Pain in finger joints 7%
Keep in mind these numbers don’t include the nearly 300,000 children who have painful joint conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis. It also does not include patients who reported low back or neck pain, which are some of the most commonly affected joints.
As the information we provide on MyNewJoints.com grows, so will our team. Check back soon for new team members and rehabilitation experts who will provide important information to both clinicians and patients.